TMI Tuesday | Sexy In Summertime

Well, doesn’t this week’s TMI Tuesday entry make me feel a little smug! The folks that bring us the insightful themes each week picked the questions I sent in recently; and now I’m anxious to see what everyone else has to offer up on these summertime TMI subjects:

And I also want to add, great job guys – not only did you pick my questions, but you even kept the unique Canadian spelling. I’m flattered you decided to keep the “u” in this week’s TMI.

1. Summer is a time to escape, kick back and chill. What is your favourite way to relax when the warm weather hits?

Without question, one of my favourite things to do is hit the beach and kick back with a hot book in my sexiest bikini. Add a few ice-cold vodka coolers to the mix and we’re all set!

One of the biggest delights for me when I spend some time on the beach is being able to watch all the other people there. I’m a huge social voyeur, so it’s very entertaining to see how we interact with each other, from the young posers to the been-together-forever lovers, from the sun-worshippers to the slather-me-in-zinc shade seekers.

2. Have you ever been to a drive-in movie theatre? My first date was to a drive-in movie, what is your best memory of these classic outdoor theatres?

As much as I would love to thrill and excite you with all the explicit details of my first date to the drive-in, it was actually a very polite and well-behaved experience. Even though we sat in the back seat together and made out like teenagers (well, I actually was one), he was the perfect gentleman. I figured after that night, he must have really liked me – given how patient he was and well-mannered despite his obvious state of arousal. Fortunately for both of us, all the hot stuff came on our second date!

But the experience started what has become a very passionate love affair with my soul mate.

3. Have you ever had a summer fling? How did it develop and why did it end?

Not really. As I have been with the same man since I was 16, life hasn’t really allowed me to enjoy that summer fling. In the beginning of our relationship, I wondered if it was going to be one of those summer flings, given the vast difference in our ages. Maybe it has been, just a summer fling that has lasted 22 years this July 13.

4. Board shorts and bikinis leave something to the imagination, but have you ever tried a nude beach?

No, not yet. I would love to try it just once to experience the sensation of going nude among a crowd. There is a legal clothing-optional beach not far from where I live, but the issue is that the beach has become a hot-spot for the gay/lesbian/transsexual community … and unfortunately has gained a reputation for being just a bit beyond socially-acceptable behaviour. While I am very sex-positive, I don’t think that I want to expose myself to a very “out and proud and proving it” atmosphere.

Maybe this is one of those moments I’ll save for when my hubby and I take off for a romantic/sexual adventure experience in the Caribbean.

5. What are your thoughts on the Speedo and the Wicked Weasel?

I would like to say both are very sexy, almost-there, beachwear choices…BUT…have you ever noticed that the people who do choose to go to that level of bravery are the ones that should show a little cowardice? Around here the Speedo is usually the attire of European men over the age of 60. Of course, that is very judgmental of me but I think you will agree that anyone with 0% body-fat and the ever elusive 8-pack abdomen only slip on the tiny stuff for the physique competition pose-downs.

Now, having said that, I find a guy in a stylish swimsuit – and age-appropriate – to be incredibly sexy. I like a little left to my imagination.

Oh, and I live in Ontario where it is legal for women to go topless – but once again, very few people under the age of 60 choose to exercise that right. Well … them, a few drunken coeds at a Motley Crue concert and some tattooed biker chicks at Port Dover’s annual Friday the 13th motorcycle rally.

6. The warm weather is a great opportunity to “get busy” outdoors? Have you ever? Tell us about it.

Having sex outside is one of my personal kinks that I would love to roll out an awful lot more. I love the freedom and heightened sense of excitement that comes with doing it in the great outdoors.

While there are a few memorable occasions for me, definitely the most memorable occurred when my family and I went camping to one of Canada’s most famous national parks – Algonquin. After we had arrived at our campsite, and set some of our things up, my husband began to make a few amorous suggestions about slipping into the dining shelter for a little vacation celebration. As the kids were out and about doing their own thing, I agreed to a steamy quickie by the Coleman.

Nothing outrageous about sharing some spontaneous intimacy with the canvas flaps down – until about 20 minutes later when our neighbour’s campsite was invaded by a 450lb Canadian black bear. As you can see, Yogi made quick work of the nylon tent in his bid to locate the stored food the idiot had left stored inside. To this day I can’t help but giggle about the jokes over the bear-skin run coming to life in the middle of me getting it doggy-style.

7. Sunrise or sunset? Which is your summer favourite?

I’m a sucker for a romantic sunset over the water … and other than having to get up for work, I’m not really much of a morning person. Plus, after you have found your way to that secluded spot on the beach to enjoy the sunset, all the night moves can begin.

8. What is the one summer delight that really quenches your thirst? How about your lust?

Hmm … I would have to say that my most favourite thirst-quencher right now is Woody’s Pink Grapefruit vodka coolers.

As for my lust, I’m not sure that I want it to be quenched. I think I would rather have it raging and prominent. But, realistically, what really fuels that fire is the arrival of the warm weather means we get to strip down and shed some of the layers we have worn for the past few months. Then, with this opportunity for more exposed flesh comes the sexy sensation of having someone touch me, fondle me … kiss me.

Summer is the perfect season for teasing, taunting, fondling … easy-access handjobs and let-me-lick-you-like-an-ice-cream-cone oral sex.

Ultimately, summer is ideal for heating up all the sexual activity. Somehow getting sweaty seems much more rewarding at this time of year; as we get to ditch the blankets, shed the flannel pajamas and it doesn’t get dark at 4:30.

Bonus: Summer is the time to participate in outdoor activities. Where would you most like to have sex:
– on the beach?
– at a picnic?
– camping?

How about “yes” to all three?

I think sex on the beach – if planned extremely carefully – would be highly erotic. That said, from what I have heard from members of the sandbar club, it can also be extremely uncomfortable if you get even a single grain in the wrong spot at the wrong moment.

A picnic, in my mind, would have to be one of those “slip away from the party for a private celebration” moments … and maybe bringing the strawberries and whipped creme along with us.

Camping – something I have done pretty much every time we pitch the tent. See #6 for why I would like a different species of audience next time.

Andee     xoxo

About andeesc2

Canadian girl-next-door, blogger, flirt, office distraction, source for Secret Girl Knowledge, Southern Charms model, sexual adventurer, sexy northern angel Open to partnerships / promotions

Posted on June 26, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Great answers Andee!!and thank you for the questions for this week! love'mAluv

  2. Very sweet answer to #2! We were unaware of your life-long romance with your husband, and we are quite touched. Happy (early) anniversary!

  3. Thank you both for the kind comments; and yes, it has been a very long romance…and continues to get better!

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