Monthly Archives: October 2015

Fantasies | 3 Ways To Get Her To Talk

As I slowly immerse myself back into blogging and trying to breathe some life into this ol’ thing, my mind has been drifting towards the “comfortable go-to” topic of sexual fantasies. I guess part of me believes it’s a subject a lot of you are interested in hearing about – plus, part of me is convinced you’re not that interested in reading about my laundry, dinner-making or Taxi-Mom attributes that truly dominate my life right now.

Or run-on sentences … fantasies

The other day I revisited the idea of why I think it’s important for couples to share their sexual fantasies. Some ‘experts’ in the field of relationships caution against sharing. They believe that opening up on a subject that is founded solely on imagination can poke the dragon of real jealousy. I tend to disagree, because I like to think that in order for a relationship to reach its full potential, both parties much be willing to be vulnerable – and trusting.

Again, it’s about the communication and understanding of what makes your partner “tick.” In the end, I think you’ll know if your relationship is healthy enough to explore the darkest corners of your partner’s psyche.

Three tactics to get her to share her fantasies

Romantic dinner

You’ll need to really put some serious thought into this initial tactic – and it doesn’t need to be a secluded table for two in that hoity-toity restaurant you drive by on the way to grab a burger and fries. The idea is the seclusion – but lots of couples can accomplish that at home too. In fact, making a nice meal for her and hiding your cell phone in the cutlery drawer for a whole night may be the kind of connection she’s looking for.

Showing her that you’re serious about listening to her will help her begin to open up. Once a woman has confidence that she won’t be judged for her imagination, she might just make the leap towards letting you inside for a look around. Any hint of jealousy – or worse, mockery – will make her close up even more and chances are you’ll never get the opportunity again.

Time away from real life

An extended long weekend at a resort can be an amazing way to restart those sexual fires. When you remove the reminders of real life – the laundry piles, the dirty dishes – it’s amazing how the mind can be free to explore. There’s been a lot of different studies on how a new environment can fan the flames of sexual excitement – and let’s be honest, who doesn’t like a hot and sweaty fuck in a hotel room every now and then.

Another big part to squirreling her away for a weekend – it puts both of you into a new setting, level ground so to speak. Stepping away from the distractions will help you rediscover the fun and intimacy. Again, just make sure you’re demonstrating a commitment to hearing her – leave the cellular gadgets out of reach and connect on a human level with your partner for 48 hours. You’ll be amazed at how much that can influence what she shares with you.


No, this isn’t a ridiculous suggestion. Let’s be honest, women do carry a big responsibility for the household. That’s not me throwing out gender stereotypes – because I know there are guys who do help around the house – but there are a lot of women out there who feel the need to not only shatter the glass ceiling in the corporate world, but make sure it’s free of smudges and fingerprints at home. For a lot of us in a certain generation, we grew up with mothers who were of that first generation mutlitasker career woman/housewife. And we were exposed to the household inbalance, which can be a bit of a struggle to shed.

This one isn’t just meant as a one-off, either. Consistent help, and consistent surprises of discovering those most-hated chores have been done without you being asked to do them will go a long way in helping her put her mind at ease. Which gives her more time to allow her imagination to wander. A stress-free mind can be a delightfully dangerous thing … not to mention, naughty.

And one suggestion – that in my opinion – won’t help…


It’s pretty simple, really. Your fantasy may be to get her to dress up a little more sexy; whereas she is struggling with her own sense of self and body image. You need to have a good understanding of how her imagination fires, and what gets her libido going. What you think is a fairly standard sexual fantasy may be far-removed from what she really desires.

The only way you’ll gain that understanding is by relying on the one tactic that never fails – especially when combined with patience: communication.

Andee     xoxo


Fantasies | Tell me what you want

There’s always that nagging little voice in the back of a lot of people’s heads that says “you probably shouldn’t…”

Should couples share their sexual fantasies?desire banner

I first wrote about this very idea some five years ago … and at a time when it seems my imagination was much more on fire. Ah, how time and life conspire against us to quell the naughtiness. That and a house full of inquisitive teenage boys.

Actually, I don’t think that my opinion on sharing fantasies has changed – and I’m not even sure my own fantasies have changed…much. Maybe some have become tainted with a bit too much reality, but that isn’t to say I’ve given up on them.

More of what I think these days is around the opportunity to share those thoughts and ideas. For me, it’s easy to be more open minded and sexually astute when my libido is high. But when life turns and you struggle to even find brief moments of intimacy in a spinning schedule, it can be a challenge to “feel” the fantasy, never mind talk about it. When your days are murky with work stresses and the routine of raising a family, etc., it’s hard to get in the creative mood.

I think that’s also why things slowed down with this blog…it’s hard to keep the focus on those sexually intriguing aspects of life when your mind is bogged down with the mundane.

So, in a way, it becomes even more important to make the most of the opportunities when they do arise – and keeping the commitment to “life-long, marriage-strong” communication.

Communication is what will keep things on track for when those doors open again. And, by understanding what continues to inspire each others’ imagination is key to keeping the marriage alive during these busy, mind-numbing real-life slumps.

The caution, of course, is in how those fantasies may be interpreted. If life is so busy you can’t connect as a couple, will the other person see you sexual distractions as a sign of infidelity/boredom/need to break away? How do you achieve that balance? That’s a really good question – and I’d love to hear your ideas.

Of course, I’m not the most perfect example of following my own advice. I think if you asked my husband today about my sexual fantasies he would, at least, be able to give Version 1.0. The updates, maybe not so much at the moment.

Andee     xoxo


Sexting | Know your audience

One of the biggest mistakes men can make in the game of seduction is assuming that they know what turns a woman on. For women, the mind and imagination play a very significant role in our libido.

Sexting | A Summer Of Wet PantiesRecently I was read an article written by a married man about his efforts to introduce “sexting” into his relationship with his wife. She had a job that required her to travel a great deal, leaving them with long periods of separation and turning to technology to keep in touch.

It was a humorous effort on the part of guy, as he described the false starts of trying to get her to play along. He tried the subtle approach, then tried the “remember when” approach – describing his fond memories of intimate times they shared in their relationship. Her response, according to what he wrote, was lukewarm at best.

As he commiserated with friends one evening – while his wife was away on business – he found himself collecting a variety of advice. Unfortunately, he also failed to recognize that when friends tell you how to sext with your wife, they may not be on the same page.

In the end, his boozy friends convinced him to slip into the bar’s washroom and send her a “dick pic.”

His description about his struggle with working himself into an aroused state in a public environment was rather amusing…and certainly left me with a mental picture.

His wife’s response upon receiving the below-waist selfie…deflating.

The one thing that this poor fellow missed – and should have been obvious when his male drinking mates were telling him what he ‘should’ be doing – is that for women, “dick pics” aren’t sexy. We might look with a degree of inquisitiveness if you happen to be uniquely endowed; but for the most part, an erection is an erection is an erection isn’t all that impressive.

Sorry…but it really isn’t.

Women want their imagination engaged more than something physical to look at. Our sexual fires are stoked by what goes on between our ears long before what goes on between our legs. Some of us are willing to indulge in porn with you – but very few of us indulge in it alone as a sexual stimuli. Curiosity, yes…habit, not so much.

For example – on a question I get asked a lot – I find it more sexually exciting to think about how my own naughty little hobby brings sexual fun into your lives more than I find it sexually exciting to pose and have the photos taken. Sure, the fun that my husband and I enjoy in those sessions is hot, but overall, the ‘what’ in what turns me on about my website and photos is the idea of how you perceive it – I don’t need to see the evidence.

So, when you’re trying to get your wife/girlfriend to indulge in some serious sexting with you reconsider the inclination to point your cellphone between your legs. Spend some time pointing your attention between her ears.

Andee     xoxo
